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Salve! Silva Rerum to blog poświęcony zagadnieniom: kultury Europy - dziedziczce wspaniałego Imperium Rzymskiego, krytyce poprawności politycznej, iSSlamu, postmodernizmu, doktrynerstwa w każdej postaci, tudzież lewactwa i rożnej maści innego robactwa....

wtorek, 6 lutego 2007

Lejąc gorącym moczem na Koran...czyli jak arabscy apostaci postrzegają iSSlam

"Mankind’s biggest challenge: Today the humanity is facing a great danger. Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise and the hatred is brewing in the minds of millions of Muslims. This hatred must be contained or there would be disastrous consequences. We believe that the education is the only answer. Muslim intellectuals must realize that Islam is a false doctrine and they must let the rest of Islamic world know the truth. Islam is a religion that thrives on the arrogant assumption that it is the most logical, the most scientific and the most perfect religion. While the fact is that it is the stupidest doctrine — the most backward and absurd belief. Once the truth about Islam becomes common knowledge, it will be weakened and the Islamic fanaticism will lose its fangs. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being expended to combat Islamic terrorism, yet no effort is made to contain the ideology behind this terrorism. It is our belief that Islamic terrorism will not be eliminated unless and until the ideology behind it is exposed and eradicated. This is what we intend to do."

The Apostates of Islam

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