Waves of the Sea of Vigo,
have you seen my [boy]friend?
oh my God!, he will arrive soon?
Waves of the high seas,
have you seen my beloved?
oh my god! he will arrive soon?
you have seen my [boy]friend,
Whom I sigh for?
oh my God!, he will arrive soon?
There you seen my beloved,
for whom I have great concern?
oh my God! he will arrive soon?
have you seen my [boy]friend?
oh my God!, he will arrive soon?
Waves of the high seas,
have you seen my beloved?
oh my god! he will arrive soon?
you have seen my [boy]friend,
Whom I sigh for?
oh my God!, he will arrive soon?
There you seen my beloved,
for whom I have great concern?
oh my God! he will arrive soon?
Źródło tekstu: komentarze na youtube
1 komentarz:
Ciekawy tekst. Tylko czemu tłumaczenie na angielski a nie jakiś bardziej cywilizowany język :(
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